The following databases contain journals on Anthropology
Complete, searchable, full text articles from over 2,100 core scholarly journals. Coverage is from 1878 to the most recent 1-5 years (varies by title).
Wiley Online Library.
Wiley publishes peer-reviewed journals that cover the full spectrum of life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities. Half of which are published in partnership with prestigious international scholarly and professional societies. Within this database are over 90 Anthropology journals.
Anthropological Index Online.
Articles from journals held by The Anthropology Library at the British Museum. Covers all branches of anthropology including cultural anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, and linguistics. 1950s to present. Once you find a citation here, look in either OneSearch or Google Scholar to locate the full-text.
Google Scholar.
Journal articles, books, and other resources across many subjects. Provides a "cited by" feature to indicate other papers containing a source paper as a reference.
Directory of Open Access Journals.
A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
NMU's list of databases by subject is worth a look--where else might your topic fall? Psychology? Business? Criminal Justice?
Click here to access the AAA Style Guide.
Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology
Reference Resources
Dictionary of Anthropology (Oxford: 2000). Also available in print: GN307 .D485 1997 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Theory in social and cultural anthropology: an encyclopedia. (SAGE, 2013).
Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology (Holt: 1996). GN307 .E52 1996 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology, vols. 1 & 2. RA 418 .E354 2004 NMU Books (Library upper floor) Volume 1 covers topics; volume 2 covers cultures. Each entry contains references.
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Routledge: 2010).
Encyclopedia of World Cultures, 10 vols. (G.K. Hall: 1991). GN307 .E53 1997 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music and Art, 2 vols. (ABC-CLIO: 1997). GR35 .F63 1997 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Macmillian: 2008).
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4 vols. (Oxford: 2003). P29 .I58 2003 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Oxford Reference Online. Contains over 120 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. You can browse individual works or search across the entire collection. Has a unique cross-reference tool that allows you to highlight and click on a word to find it in other reference sources in the collection. Also, for each entry there is an extensive web of cross-references and links.
Internet Resources
Directory of Open Access Journals. Free, full-text online scholarly journals. Search across 20 listed disciplines or narrow your search to a specific subject.
American Memory Project from the Library of Congress. "American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience." Also at the Library of Congress American Folklife Center is their Folklore Wiki.
Anthropology Resources on the Internet. Guiding you to scholarly Anthropological resources available on the Internet since 1995. On Hiatus! But the links can be found here.
The American Anthropological Association lists resources available on the Internet.
Archeology and Anthropology links from the Voice of the Shuttle, a rather interesting collection of links in many disciplines from UC Santa Barbara.
NativeWeb. Resources for indigenous cultures from around the world.
Anthrosource. Another resource from the America Anthropological Association. Although NMU only subscribes (or has access) to some of the journals listed, visitors to this website can search all the issues without a subscription. The list of journals we can see: American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Cultural Anthropology, Ethos, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. If you find an article you'd like in a journal we don't have, request it from another library. If you need assistance, chat us up.
Evaluating Internet Resources. You've been surfing for years now, but do you ask yourself these questions when you land on a website? Do you critically examine what you find?
Ebooks on Field Work and Research
Ethnographers In The Field: The Psychology of Research, 2nd edition.
Ethnography and the city: readings on doing urban fieldwork.
Ethnography in today's world: color full before color blind.
Doing anthropological research: a practical guide.
A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology.
Being There: The Fieldwork Encounter and the Making of Truth.
Ecological Anthropology: People, Culture and Nature
Reference Resources
Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Issues: An Encyclopedia. GF50 .J65 2003 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Terms & Acronyms. Online dictionary from the EPA ("A repository of environmental terms, their relationships, definitions, and other relevant information").
Conservation and Environmentalism: An Encyclopedia. GF10 .C68 1995 NMU Books (Library upper floor). There are similar publications adjacent to this one, such as Encyclopedia of Environmental issues. GE10 .E52 2000 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Blackwell's Concise Encyclopedia of Ecology.
A Dictionary of Ecology. An older copy resides in the book collection: QH 540.4 .C66 1998 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Environmental anthropology today. Kopnina, Helen, and Shoreman-Ouimet, Eleanor.
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics.
Internet Resources
Anthropology and Environment Society links from the American Anthropological Society.
Environmental Response Television, which supports the Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Response Team, has free broadcast-quality streaming videos available online. Not all are available.
Indigenous Environmental Network. This grassroots organization was formed in 1990 in the US by Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues.
Religion and Society
Reference Resources
Encyclopedia of Religion. The second edition (2005) of a resource that is considered a standard reference in the field. Presents a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. The original 2,750 entries have been retained, many heavily updated, and approximately 600 entirely new articles have been added by an international team of scholars and contributors.
Encyclopedia of Religion (1946). BL31 .F4 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. (2013)
The Oxford handbook of new religious movements. BP603 .H36 2004 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Cults and New Religions: A Brief History. (2015)
Religious cults in America. BL 2525 .R469 1994 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Cults: A Reference Guide. (2014)
The encyclopedia of Caribbean religions. (2013)
The HarperCollins dictionary of religion. BL31 H37 1995 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Encyclopedia of American Religious History. (2009).
Hutchinson Dictionary of World Religions. (2005).
The concise Oxford dictionary of world religions. Abridged from the acclaimed Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, this Concise version (published in 2000) is written by an expert team of 80 international and multi-faith contributors. It contains entries on all the major and many minor religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, and Taoism. Over 500 entries cover movements, sects, and cults, from Cargo Cults and the New Age movement to Rastafarians and Soka Gakkai. Over 1,000 entries explore the sacred writings of religions worldwide, and short biographies of founders, leaders, gurus, philosophers, mystics, and heretics are given. There are details of sacred sites, customs, religious practices, dogmas, beliefs, traditions, festivals and fasts, and artifacts such as altars, rosaries, icons, and torah ornaments. There are also entries on worldwide religious teachings on abortion, animals, birth control, war, homosexuality, and suicide.
The archeology of world religions; the background of primitivism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Islam, and Sikhism. 1952. BL80 .F5 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
Dictionary of non-Christian religions. 1971. BL31 .P36 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
New Historical Atlas of Religion in America. 2001. G1201 E4 N4 2001 NMU Maps (Book format).
Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. 1951. BL31 .E5 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
New Catholic Encyclopedia (2003).
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (online since 2006).
Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. U.S. Department of State.
From Congress, the State of Religious Liberty in the United States (2017), also from 2014 and 2011.
Mythologies. compiled by Yves Bonnefoy; a restructured translation of Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des sociétés traditionnelles et du monde antique prepared under the direction of Wendy Doniger. BL 311 .D513 1991 NMU Books (Library upper floor).
The ABC-CLIO World History Companion to Utopian Movements (1998). HX626 .H65 1998 NMU Books (Library upper floor). "The ABC-CLIO World History Companion to Utopian Movements is a unique reference work devoted to actual and theoretical utopian movements. Detailed entries examine major utopian movements, significant utopian thinkers and literary works, and various sects, settlements, and communes. The more than 100 A to Z entries include: Diggers; Ecotopia; Fairhope Colony; Feminist Utopias; Futurism; Huguenot Utopias; Kibbutzim; Lunar Utopias; Millennialism; Native American Utopias; New Age Cults; Oneida Community; Ranters; Transcendentalism; and Welfare State"
Norton Anthology of World Religions. BL74.N67 2014 NMU Books (Library upper floor). Looks at the 6 major international religions in 2 volumes. Volume 1: Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism; Volume 2: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.
Internet Resources
List of electronic journals on religion that NMU has access to.
Society for the Anthropology of Religion. Formed in 1997 to facilitate teaching and research in the anthropological study of religion. This includes anthropological approaches to religion from all the subdisciplines: cultural anthropology, archaeology, physical anthropology, etc. Their website has a list of publications. Additionally, Archaeolink contains a list of resources.
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Founded in 1949, SSSR fosters interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from sociology, religious studies, psychology, political science, economics, international studies, gender studies, and many other fields.
Anthropology of Religion links from the University of Alabama. Includes Religions, Myth and Mythology, Magic & Witchcraft, Shamanism, Cult of the Virgin Mary, Pilgrimage, Voodoo, Satanism, and Halloween.
Voice of the Shuttle: Religious Studies. Large list of links from the UC Santa Barbara.
Cult Education Institute (formerly known as the Ross Institute of New Jersey). Includes news stories, research papers, reports, court documents, book excerpts, personal testimonies and hundreds of links to additional relevant resources. Archives can be searched here. Also note the index of group types on the right hand side of the page. They also run a cult news blog.
Evaluating Internet Sources. Found a website? Had someone send you a link? Give it a critical look with this list of criteria. Stop and think about it.
Statistics and Country Briefs
Ethnocultural Characteristics from the United Nations Statistical Yearbook: Table 6, Population by religion, sex, urban/rural residence and percentage: each census, 1985-2004. And a more up-to-date set of numbers (you may have to select a recent year) from the UN.
The CIA World Factbook contains percentages of religious adherents under the "People & Society" section for each country.
American Religious Identification Survey
Conducted in 1990, 2001 and 2008. A nice companion to the Association of Religion Data Archives resource below.
Religious Affiliation
From the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA). View the social, economic, demographic, and religious landscape of neighborhoods, cities, states, regions, and the entire United States. Contains the 2010 U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Doesn't work well in Firefox.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Published now by ProQuest (instead of the Census Bureau), this yearly compilation has several tables on religious identification, groups, and adherents. Older editions are available here. Also available in print: HA 202 [YEAR]. (Archived link from the Wayback Machine--current URL is a payday loan company!)
From their website: a growing collection of over 43,870 adherent statistics and religious geography citations: references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc. The religions of the world are enumerated here.
The Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project (select Religion if this link does not take you right to it) contains statistical information and studies of religion in the US and around the world. Also studies issues that have a religious component.
Religious information as well as other cultural information can be found in nearly any country study. This link takes you to NMU's list of information about foreign countries.
Native Peoples of North America
First of all, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has a tribal leaders directory with all federally recognized tribes and their websites. There are nearly 600 federally recognized tribes (link takes you to the National Indian Law Library, which also has links to state-recognized tribes and non-federally recognized tribes [although the latter is an old list]).
In addition to the name, there are a few different subject headings to use: "Native Peoples", "Indigenous Peoples", "Indians", "Indians of North America", "Indians of Mexico", or "Indians of Central America" when you are searching the library catalog. Adding individual tribes or cultural attributes with these can narrow down your search. This holds true for the WorldCat and (sort of) MeLCat catalogs as well.
Reference Resources
Oxford Reference Online. Full-text reference collection covering subjects from art & architecture to science.
Handbook of Indians North of Mexico. Hodge, Frederick Webb.
E51 .U6 no.30, volumes 1&2
Encyclopedia of North American Indians. Hoxie, Frederick E., editor.
E 76.2 .E53 1996. (also available as an ebook).
Handbook of North American Indians. Sturtevant, William C., general editor. This series has been years in the making and is not yet complete. Call number E76.2 .H36, volumes 2-15, 17.
- v. 2. Indians in contemporary society / Garrick A. Bailey, volume ed.
- v. 3. Environment, origins, and population
- v. 4. History of Indian-White relations / Wilcomb E. Washburn, volume ed.
- v. 5. Arctic
- v. 6. Subarctic
- v. 7. Northwest coast
- v. 8. California
- v. 9. Southwest
- v. 10. Southwest
- v. 11. Great Basin
- v. 12. Plateau
- v. 13. Plains
- v. 14. Southeast / Raymond D. Fogelson, volume editor
- v. 15. Northeast
- v. 17. Languages
A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples. Pritzker, Barry M.
E76.2 .P75 2000.
Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe.
E77 .S383, volumes 1-6
Handbook of Indians of Canada. Hodge, Frederick Webb.
E78.C2 H6 1971, in reference and 3rd floor.
Native American Ethnobotany. Moerman, Daniel E.
E 98 .B7 M66 1998
Handbook of Middle American Indians. Wauchope, Robert, general editor.
F1434 .H3, volumes 1-16.
The Indians of Central and South America: an Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Olson, James S.
F 1434 .O45 1991.
Handbook of Latin American Studies. University of Texas (Austin) Press.
F 1406 .H23 (volumes 1-46). Also available online.
Atlas of the North American Indian, 3rd edition. Waldman, Carl.
G1106 .E1 W3 2009.
Bureau of American Ethnology Annual Reports. Smithsonian Institute, Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE). Online from the National Library of France. Smithsoinan Institute's list of publications of the BAE can be found at this link, and some digitized copies at this link.
Found a resource that should be here? Let me know.
Internet Resources
Google news is another source.
Contemporary Native American media links (no single source, unfortunately):
News media, TV & Radio links from Nativeweb (some links are dead).
Tribal Court Clearinghouse.
Native media listing from Native Culture Links (film & video, journals & newspapers & Internet news sources, radio & TV).
Native broadcasters and media organizations from Native Media Resource Center.
Wisconsin Judicare links.
Canada: List of First Nations periodicals (and other media) from Wikipedia, Nationtalk (daily Aboriginal specific news), Firstnationsseeker--organized by language group or region in North America with links to official websites. Bow Valley College has a library resource page similar to this one as does Thompson Rivers University and Vancouver Community College.
Government Links
Bureau of Indian Affairs. Established in 1824, this is the oldest bureau in the Department of the Interior. Information can be found on many topics including: economic development, gaming, education, self-determination, self-government.
United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Re-established in 1977. The Committee has jurisdiction to study the unique problems of American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples and to propose legislation to alleviate these difficulties. List of publications from this committee back to 1985.
The House, within the the Committee on Natural Resources, has the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States.
The National Conference of State Legislatures has a portal on State-Tribal relations, which includes a list of state committees and commissions on Indian affairs and a database on current legislation that can affect tribal communities. is the official U.S. Government search engine, which includes tribal websites. This link takes you to the tribes portal.
Canada: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, and the Assembly of First Nations.
US Census data on American Indian & Alaskan Native Tribes, and Indigenous Peoples from Statistics Canada.
Internet Resources and Directories of Native American Cultures.
National Indian Education Association
Under their Research tab are links to statistics, reports, and the Native American Education Associations in each state. Also on the website is a list of tribal colleges and universities as well as links to NAS programs in the U.S.
Native American Links
Resources compiled in conjunction with the American Indian Library Association (their list of resources is good, too).
Our Mother Tongues.
A resource highlighting the revitalization of Native American spoken languages.
List of Federal Websites For and About American Indians from the Oklahoma State Library, and a list of resources for Michigan Tribal Libraries.
Latin American Network and Information Center
Extensive list of resources including society and culture, geography and environment, social sciences, and humanities.
Regarding Internet resources, you've been surfing for years now, but do you ask yourself these questions when you land on a website? Do you have the guts to use a resource you've found online without checking it out first? And regarding this class, Techniques for Evaluating American Indian Web Sites--from 2000 but still relevant.
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet.
Google Books Advanced Search. A hit-and-miss resource. You might get lucky and find that a book or journal has been digitized.
Indians of the Western Great Lakes
Internet Resources
eBooks on Ebscohost (formerly Netlibrary)
A collection of over 23,000 electronic books on a wide range of subjects.
AnthroSource: This link will search multiple resources for articles including JSTOR, Social Sciences abstract, Google scholar, Humanities Abstract and Anthropological Index Online. JSTOR LINK HERE
Government Resources for Tribal Libraries. Not just for librarians. This list contains many links to resources specific to Michigan in addition to nationwide resources.
Historical and Cultural Information Sources
Bureau of American Ethnology Annual Reports. Smithsonian Institute, Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE). Online from the National Library of France. List of publications of the BAE can be found here.
Anthropology Resources on the Internet. Hosted by the American Anthropological Association.
Clark Historical Library This web site includes an extensive Native American Bibliography, full text of treaties that effect Michigan, including contemporary and historical issues as well as six case studies.
UM's Bentley Historical Library This resource guide allows the user to browse by tribe and location to access abstract information. Some information is available full text on-line.
Native American Links
Resources compiled in conjunction with the Native American Library Association.
Portals to the Past: A Bibliographical and Resource Guide to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
By NMU's own Dr. Magnaghi. Native American and Metis resources begin on page 119.
Medical Anthropology: Pluralistic Systems of Health Care
Reference Resources
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology, volumes 1 and 2. RA 418 .E354 2004. Volume 1 covers topics; volume 2 covers cultures (not a direct link: table of contents only). Each entry contains references.
Medical anthropology and the world system: critical perspectives. ebook.
Traditional Medicine: A Global Perspective. GN477 .T73 2010.
On Knowing and Not Knowing in the Anthropology of Medicine. ebook.
The Anthropology of Health and Healing. GN296 .W645 2010
An Anthropology of Biomedicine. GN296 .L63 2010
Health, Risk, and Adversity. ebook.
Native American Ethnobotany. REF E 98 .B7 M66 1998.
Medicine as Culture. ebook. And an older print edition RA418 .L74 2003.
Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence: From Ancient Times to the Present. RA649 .E53 1998
Bibliography of the History of Medicine. NMU Documents HE 20.3615:
International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology. GN 316 .I593.
Some subject headings worth trying: "Medical Anthropology", "Traditional Medicine", "Social Medicine".
Medical Anthropology Quarterly (earlier name Medical Anthropology Newsletter): Full text online; indexed in the following databases in adition to JSTOR: Anthropological Index Online, SocialSciAbs, MEDLINE, Social Services Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts.
Medical Anthropology: Unavailable at NMU, but indexed in the following databases: Anthropological Index Online, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO. You can sneak a peek here from the publisher.
Social Science & Medicine RA 418 .S644: Both print and electronic access, 1984-1991 in paper; 1995-present online. Indexed in the following databases: CINAHL, SocialSciAbs, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Social Services Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts.
Human Organization GN 1 .H83: Both print and electronic access, 1941-present in print and electronic. Indexed in the following databases: ABI Inform, Anthropological Index Online, SocialSciAbs, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Social Services Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts.
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry: Online from 1997-present. Indexed in the following databases: MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Social Services Abstracts, SocialSciAbs, and Springer.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine: Online from 2005-present. Indexed in the following databases: MEDLINE, and MLA.
Anthropology & Medicine. Indexed in Anthropological Index Online, CINAHL, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, PubMed, PsychINFO, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Academic Search Complete. Take a look at the publisher's website here.
Asclepio. Indexed in Anthropological Index Online, and Google Scholar. Sneak a peek here (English version website)
Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology. Not a journal, but an irregular series. Some is indexed in Google Scholar. You can browse many titles. Publisher link.
Cultura de Los Cuidados. Online from 2006-present. Indexed in CINAHL.
Culture, Illness & Healing. Not a journal, but an irregular series now discontinued. Publisher link.
Cultures et Medecines. French. Not a journal, but an irregular series. Publisher link.
Anthropologie & Santé. Also French, but a regular journal. Some is indexed in Google Scholar. Full text.
Curare: Journal of Ethnomedicine and Transcultural Psychiatry. German. Indexed in Anthropological Index Online, Social Services Abstracts, Medline, and Sociological Abstracts. Publisher link.
Dental Anthropology. Indexed in Anthropological Index Online and Google Scholar; online back to 1986. Publisher link.
Ethnicity & Disease. Indexed in Google Scholar and Medline. Publisher link.
Medecines du Monde. French. Not a journal, but an irregular series. Publisher's website.
Medicina Antropologica. Argentinian. Publisher's website.
Papeles de trabajo - Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolingüística y Antropología Socio-Cultural. Argentinian. Full text.
Sexologi. Norwegian. Indexed in Google Scholar. Publisher's website.
Transcultural Psychiatry. Online from 1964-present. Indexed in CINAHL, Sage, Medline, PsychINFO, Social Services Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts .
Internet Resources
What about that website you Googled on into or were referred to? Don't believe everything you read online. Give these sources a critical look. Here is a checklist of Science vs. Pseudoscience.
Society for Medical Anthropology, a subgroup of the American Anthropological Association. Contains links to resources, news, journal information, contacts in the field, etc.
Native American Ethnobotany. Database from Daniel Moerman at U-M Dearborn (author of Native American Ethnobotany, listed above under Print Resources). Briefly cites the original publications where a reference to the plant and its use was mentioned, and then links to the USDA description of the plant.
Bibliography of Medicinal Plants from the Library of Congress, and one of Ethnobotany of the Americas.
U.S. National Library of Medicine Digital Collections.
Links from the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology.
Medical Anthropology Glossary from Palomar College. Medical Anthropology is just one of the resources off their Cultural Anthropology Resources page.
Native Voices: Native Peoples' Concepts of Health & Illness. Resource from the National Library of Medicine.
Demographic & Health Surveys from Measure DHS. Profiles over 90 countries with information about "health, nutrition, HIV, and population". Includes customizable data sets. Additional current information on health care and medicine in other countries can be found in Country Studies from the Library of Congress. The State Department's Post Reports were removed from public viewing in 2005, but might still have relevant information. An additional government resource is the Centers for Disease Control.
History of Medicine Homepage from the National Library of Medicine.
Nutrition Information Resources from the National Library of Medicine. The 4 tabs "Websites and Tools", "Food Safety & Allergies", "Nutritional Research", and "Resources by Topic" are a great place to start. Some of their links include:
- The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food and Nutrition Information Center
- The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Nutrition portal
- Food Insight, from the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation
- Food Safety (
- The Food Environment Atlas from the USDA.
Related to the above is a short article on High Quality nutrition Information Resources.
The United States has MyPlate, Canada's food guide is here. And around the world.
The following databases from the USDA will be helpful:
- Food Data Central.
- The National Agricultural Online Catalog (AGRICOLA).
- PubAg. Some overlap with AGRICOLA.
- Food Surveys Research Group
The following databases from NMU will be helpful:
- PubMed, from the US National Library of Medicine.
- (limit your search areas to Agriculture & Food or Health & Medicine)
- Food Composition Databases from ScienceDirect.
- Agriculture--Agronomy from BioOne.
- Westlaw Next. Within the Westlaw Key Number System (select "tools", then the Westlaw Key Number System), #178 deals with food.
Extension Services (national and from each state). Food & nutrition information are throughout these resources.
Within the library catalog (or WorldCat), the following subject headings can be used:
- "Food Habits" (and add in the name of a country, or region)
- "plants, cultivated"
- "Food--social aspects"
- "food industry"
- "food preferences"
- "Food consumption"
- "Food--Moral and ethical aspects"
- "Appetite -- Physiological aspects"
- "Food habits -- Psychological aspects"
- "COOKING -- Essays & Narratives"
- "Diet"
There are dozens more subject headings that will be unearthed as you search. And you can always simply type in the name of the food or meal you are interested in--less is more when searching.
Here is a loaded library guide I found, Food and Nutrition in the 20th Century from Mary White at UNC Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library.
The OneSearch portal is rather broad but contains a wealth of material for all disciplines. Once you have made your initial search, use the limiters available that appear off to the right-hand side of the screen (peer-reviewed journals, subject, articles) to narrow down your results. Your initial search terms will determine what subjects appear. Below are narrow resources:
Library Databases
PubMed. From the National Library of Medicine, this resource contains journal articles covering biomedical research and the clinical sciences including nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences. Also good coverage of literature in cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry. Coverage is mid 1960's to present.
ProQuest Central. This resource brings together databases across major subject areas including Health and Medical, Social Sciences, and Science and Technology.
NCJRS. National Criminal Justice Reference Service. From the Department of Justice, contains reports, journal articles, books, and other resources on the subjects of corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, crime statistics, domestic preparedness, and victims. Free version from the Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs.
Google Scholar. A favorite multi-disciplinary resource. Unlike the resources listed above, google scholar lacks subject searches. Anatomy TV contains rotatable 3D models of the human body and anatomical layers which may be stripped away. Also included are common pathologies, radiological content, and interactive quizzes.
JoVE Core Biology. JoVE Core series brings biology to life through over 300 concise and easy-to-understand animated video lessons that explain key concepts in biology, plus more than 150 scientist-in-action videos that show actual research experiments conducted in today’s laboratories.
Government Resources (Federal and State)
Michigan State Police Forensic Science webpage. Every state has a forensic lab/center. List here.
While all these federal resources below have a search function on their webpage and contain resources and publications, there are a number of federal resources listed at the end of this section that can also be used to locate material.
National Institute of Standards & Technology. They have a Forensic Anthropology Subcommittee. Also their STRBase (Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet DataBase). "Serving the forensic DNA and human identity testing communities for 20 years... These data are intended to benefit research and application of short tandem repeat DNA markers to human identity testing."
Bureau of Justice Statistics. Linked off this resource is a link to the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data on ICPSR, where an updated search for this data has already been conducted.
National Institute of Justice.
Broad federal search resources Searches all government websites at all levels, federal to military to local.
MetaLib. Able to search across multiple federal resources. Pick your "quicksets" in which to search. Another search across multiple federal resources. You might want to de-select some of the topics before you search.
National Forensic Laboratory Information System. From the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Homeland Security Digital Library. Forensic resources can be found via this resource.
Other Resources
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
Archaeological Institute of America
National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law has a Forensic Database.
Also from the National Institute of Standards & Technology is a huge list of web resources related to STRs and DNA typing (organizations--commercial and academic, journals, labs, legal sites).