101 Organic Gardening Hacks: Eco-friendly Solutions to Improve Any Garden
By Shawna Coronado
If you are looking for resourceful ways to improve your garden and promote green living values right at home, you'll love paging through this fascinating, eye-catching book.
The Ever Curious Gardener: Using a Little Natural Science for a Much Better Garden
By Lee Reich
An irreverent romp through the natural science of plants and soil, ideal for newer gardeners moving beyond back-of-the-seed-pack planting, to experienced gardeners whose curiosity at the wonders of cultivation grows deeper and stronger with each season.
Fine Gardening Easy-to-Grow Vegetables: Greens, Tomatoes, Peppers & More
By the editors of Fine Gardening Magazine
Want to grow your own vegetables? Here is a true beginner's guide to producing a garden that's filled to the brim. Loaded with expert tips, tricks, and techniques, this book is a touchstone for planting, weeding, growing, and harvesting advice.
A Garden Can Be Anywhere: Creating Bountiful and Beautiful Edible Gardens
By Lauri Kranz
Edible Gardens LA founder Lauri Kranz shares her secrets for planning, planting, growing, and maintaining luscious edible gardens, no matter the setting or size of the plot.
Got Sun? 200 Best Native Plants for Your Garden
By Carolyn Harstad
This book showcases Midwestern native trees, shrubs, ground covers, ferns, vines, grasses, and over 100 sun-friendly perennials for your home garden. Illustrated with detailed drawings and beautiful color photographs.
The Illustrated Book of Edible Plants
By Jack Staub
Histories, medicinal uses, and recipe ideas for food plants from A to Z. Cultivation and culinary advice are delivered with accessibility and wit. Watercolor art makes the pages beautiful.
The Kitchen Herb Garden: Growing and Preparing Essential Herbs
By Rosalind Creasy
An accessible guide to cultivating and preparing herbs. Full of practical tips and tricks presented in a beautiful format—perfect for the gardener, aspiring gardener or home chef.
Mother Earth News Guide to Vegetable Gardening
By the editors of Mother Earth News
A must have volume packed with time-tested information, photographs, and charming illustrations for home gardeners everywhere.
Raised-Bed Gardening: How to Grow More in Less Space
By Simon Akeroyd
Whatever the size of your garden or outdoor space, raised beds can work for you. The heart of this book comprises of step-by-step instructions for building and maintaining 15 types of raised beds.
Shrubs Large and Small: Natives and Ornamentals for Midwest Gardens
By Moya L. Andrews & Gillian Harris
This beautifully illustrated book on landscape gardening addresses shrubs and how to determine which you should plant among your perennials and where.
When Good Gardens Go Bad: Earth-Friendly Solutions to Common Garden Problems
By Judy Barrett
If you are frustrated because nothing seems to grow in your backyard or you can't keep pests or plant disease away, this book offers organic solutions while banishing stress.
Your Midwest Garden: An Owner's Manual
By Jan Riggenbach
As readable as it is useful, this book reviews the familiar, reconsiders old favorites, and introduces dozens of surprising and seldom-grown plants ideal for Midwest gardens and landscapes. Illustrated with color photos from the author's garden.