Deaf Studies

This NMU Library guide to Deaf Studies resources was last updated: 4/26/2024

Interactive Map of the NMU Lydia M. Olson Library

Mike @ Reference

Updated: June 19, 2024 for summer sessions 

Professor Mike Strahan is generally available for assistance weekday afternoons 1pm-4pm EDT, & weekday evenings 8pm until 11 pm EDT. 

Teaching classes, committee meetings, & vacations will affect this schedule.

Assistance is available via Live Chat (see box on right side of this library guide & his other library guides), EduCat Messaging, email or phone (details below my picture).

Professor Strahan is also available via Zoom by Appointment (including groups).

Students may schedule an appointment with Professor Strahan via live chat, clicking on the "Schedule Appointment" button, through EduCat Messaging, via email:  Click here to email Professor Mike Strahan or phone.

For those students who attend classes on-campus or visit campus, Professor Strahan is available in person in the library.

Note that until at least January 2026, the NMU Library is temporarily located in the basement of Gries Hall. Main entrance is through first floor of Gries Hall; another entrance at ground level adjacent to Parking Lot # 64:

location of Library in Gries Hall on NMU campus


During the summer, Mike is available on campus in the library:

Mondays: 1 - 4 pm

Tuesdays: 1 - 4 pm

Wednesdays: 1 - 4 pm

Thursdays: 1 - 4 pm

Fridays: 1 - 4 pm

Professor Strahan looks forward to helping you with APA style, searching, and questions about Library services.


Acquired in 2022

The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education (2015) - Check out Chapter 23 Bilingual Deaf Education

The Gallaudet Dictionary of American Sign Language (2021)

Turn on the Words! : Deaf Audiences, Captions, and the Long Struggle for Access (2021) - History of closed captioning & movie theater captioning for the Deaf

Deaf American Literature From Carnival to the Canon (2009)

Sounds of the Heart: A Story of a HearStrong Champion Persisting Against All Odds (2022) - Story about Latisha Porter-Vaughn. New Item shelves: HV 2534 .P67 2022

Where I Stand: On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience (2014) - by John Lee Clark 
HV 2534 .C53 A5 2014

​Deaf Lit Extravaganza (2013) - Collection of short works of Deaf American literature
PS 508 .D43 D426 2013

SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia (2016)

APA 7th edition reference example for an entry in this encyclopedia (Note: in this encyclopedia, the author name appears at end of entry before references):

Mori, S. (2016). Japan: Deaf community. In G. Gertz & P. Boudreault (Eds.), The SAGE Deaf Studies 

       encyclopedia (pp. 528-532). SAGE.


Encyclopedia of Deafness and Hearing Disorders (2004) 1 person at a time


Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness (1987) 3 volumes
On Reserves for 2-hour loan
Ask for it by title

New 2020 OneSearch (advanced search screen)

Use this link to access the advanced search screen, where users may indicate which fields to search (e.g., title, author, or subject) instead of everything. Also allows the searcher to set some limits (material type such as books or journals, language, and publication years) before running the search. 

News and Newpapers, a Proquest Database
NMU database. Worldwide news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s from leading newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites. Also a large collections of local and regional newspapers.

Access to  Provides current paper and an archive (e.g. TimeMachine) of articles back to 1851. Does not include the cooking section or crossword.  Need to use this link for the first time to create an account with your NMU email address and a unique password.  Then in the future, you can go directly to and log in.

Journals, books, and other resources covering psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines including: anthropology, business, education, law, linguistics, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, physiology, and sociology. 1805 to present.

Journals, books, and other resources on subjects including nursing, emergency services, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, optometry, public health, speech-language pathology & audiology, and surgical technology. 1937 to present.

Journal articles covering biomedical research and the clinical sciences including nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences. Also good coverage of literature in cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry. Formerly known as MEDLINE. Mid 1960's to present.

Access note: Must use this special URL for NMU Logo links to appear in article abstracts

Journal articles, books, and other resources across many subjects. Provides a "cited by" feature to indicate other papers containing a source paper as a reference.

Google Scholar - "Invalid Domain for Site Key" ErrorGoogle reCaptcha Error

In an effort to optimize user experience during peak activity, Google Scholar may prompt Northern Michigan University patrons to complete a reCAPTCHA widget to verify their non-robot status. Unfortunately, a security glitch in Google's widget may result in an "Invalid domain for site key" error for patrons accessing the Library's off-campus proxy server.


If you possess a Google Account, you can integrate it with the Library using the following steps:

  1. Visit the un-proxied version of Google Scholar at
  2. Click the "Sign In" button and log in with your NMU account (
  3. From the menu icon (three bars at the top left), select "Settings," then choose "Library Links."
  4. In the Library Links section of the Settings menu, confirm that "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," is selected.
  5. If it is not already selected, search for Northern Michigan University in the search bar. Then, select the checkbox next to "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," click the "Save" button in the lower right.

Once saved, you can return to the Google Scholar homepage. You should now be able to explore Google Scholar without utilizing NMU's off-campus proxy, while still having access to the "Get it@NMU" links directing you to our full-text databases.

If the provided workaround does not resolve your Google Scholar access issues, we recommend patience, as Google typically resets the faulty reCAPTCHA requirement after approximately 24 hours.

LGBT Life contains full text for more than 120 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as more than 150 full-text monographs/books. The database also includes comprehensive indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBT Thesaurus.

Access over 70,000 videos with unlimited/simultaneous access across a wide range of subjects, platform includes 360/VR functionality.

PBS Videos

Group Activity

Before coming to the NMU Library

  1. Reserve a study room to view DVD with your group (Choose room w/monitor)(up to 2 weeks in advance) 

    (Note: if all rooms are booked, there is a media viewing station located in the back of the main floor near the Media collection
  2. Look at covers below 
  3. Search the library catalog by title to learn more about the video


ASL DVDs on Reserve in NMU Library


When you visit the NMU Library to view (don't forget to bring your student ID)

  1. Go to the Public Services Desk 
  2. Ask to check out a DVD player (here's a picture) . Note that students who have an NMU laptop may also get a free DVD player from the HelpDesk. 
  3. Request the DVD from Reserves by telling them the title 
  4. Go to your study room (or media viewing station if no room available) 
  5. Do not forget to create the APA style reference for the video. An example is provided below:

Ganezer, G. T., & Posner, A. (Presenters). (2010). Common expressions in American Sign

Language. Volume 1 [Film; educational DVD]. Everyday ASL Productions.  

In-text cite of this source using direct quote DFST requirement: (Ganezer & Posner, 2010, 15:00)

Searching for biographies by occupation? Keyword search works best Check out the Gallaudet U. Library Guide

Follow these steps to find out about historical figures who contributed to the Deaf community

[Using OneSearch]

    Copy the following line:
    life OR autobiography OR biography OR death OR obituary

    Then access OneSearch 2020 Advanced Search and paste that line in the first box.

    In the second box, enter the person placing the name within quotation marks, such as 
    "Helen Keller" (Note: capitalization is not necessary).

    See screen shot below:

Deaf bio onesearch 2020

    If the above strategy yields no results or irrelevant results, click on Advanced (near the top) link which will
    return to the search screen, and then you delete quotation marks around the name.
    Next, change the field from "Any field" to "Title" and hit the enter key. 

    If this change shows too many results, add the following word after the name: Deaf 
    Also if necessary, remove the "biography" line to yield more relevant results.

[Using JSTOR]

    Consider searching JSTOR which includes online access to a number of archival Deaf Studies journals.

    Enter the person's name; start with the name within quotation marks, such as "Helen Keller" and also add the 
    word: Deaf

[Using Google Scholar / Google Books / Google]

    Finally consider using Google Scholar (please use this link, not go directly, as you will miss out on NMU Library 
    partnership with Google). Besides name, also add the word Deaf in your search.

    Note that Google Scholar also includes links to Google Books (use this link to access advanced search
    screen). However, we recommend also searching separately using the above link, to take advantage of the
    Preview feature.

    When results appear, Google will try to automatically translate, but we advise to re-set to "show original" so that
    you can more easily see which works are written in languages other than English. Then if you want to translate
    works individually, this gives you more flexibility.


DFST 358: Deaf Community Culture

Be Opened! The Church in the United States and Deaf Culture (2021)

Cultural and language diversity and the deaf experience (1996) 1 person at a time

Damned for Their Difference : The Cultural Construction of Deaf People as Disabled : A Sociological History (2002)

Deaf American Prose 1830-1930 (2013)

Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States (2nd ed. 2022)

Deaf Community in America: History in the Making (2012)

Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity (2014)

Deaf heart : a novel (2015)

Deaf Liberation Theology (2016, c2007)

Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign against Sign Language (1998)

Handbook to Service the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Bridge to Accessibility (2004)

It's a small world: International Deaf spaces and encounters (2015)

Nothing About Us Without Us (1998)

Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking (2008)

Politics of Visual Language: Deafness, Language Choice, and Political Socialization (1999)

Reading Victorian Deafness (2013)

Signs of Hope: Deafhearing Family Life (2012)

Silent poetry: Deafness, sign, and visual culture in modern France (1995)

Social constructions of Deafness: examining Deaf languacultures in education (2012)

Sounds like home: growing up Black and deaf in the South (2019 - Revised edition) [Women]

The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (2020)

Understanding Deaf Culture : In Search of Deafhood (2003)

Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture (2012)

DFST 360: Deaf History

Agatha Tiegel Hanson: Our Places in the Sun (2023)

Closed Captioning: Subtitling, Stenography, and the Digital Convergence of Text with Television (2008)

Crossing the divide: representations of Deafness in biography (2006)

Crying hands: eugenics and Deaf people in Nazi Germany (1999) 1 person at a time

Deaf community in America: history in the making (2012)

Deaf empowerment: emergence, struggle, and rhetoric (1997) 1 person at a time

Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity (2014)

Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America (2012)

Deaf history reader (2007)

Deaf in the USSR: Marginality, Community, and Soviet Identity, 1917-1991 (2017)

Deaf People in Hitler's Europe (2002)

Education of Laura Bridgman: first Deaf and blind person to learn language

Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard (1985)

Far from Home: Memories of World War II and Afterward (2004) [African-American Women]

Fighting in the Shadows: The Untold Story of Deaf People in the Civil War (2017)

Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign against Sign Language (1998)

Illusions of equality: Deaf Americans in school and factory, 1850-1950 (1999) 1 person at a time

In our own hands: essays in deaf history, 1780-1970 (2016)

Reading Victorian Deafness (2013)

Show of hands: a natural history of sign language (2011)

Silent Life and Silent Language The Inner Life of a Mute in an Institution for the Deaf [Historical fiction]

A silent minority: Deaf education in Spain, 1550-1835 (1997)

Silent poetry: Deafness, sign, and visual culture in modern France (1995)

Sounds like home: growing up Black and deaf in the South (2019 - Revised edition) [Women]

Speaking in Tongues : Languages at Play in the Theatre (2010)

The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (2020)

When the Mind Hears (2010) 1 person at a time.
Viewing options for this book: Read online; or Download entire book.
Cannot print or copy from this title.

Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture (2012)

DFST 361 Multi-Culturalism: Deaf Minorities Within

Adventures of a Deaf-Mute and Other Short Pieces (2017)

Alandra's Lilacs: The Story of a Mother and Her Deaf Daughter (1999)

Amy Signs: A Mother, Her Deaf Daughter, and Their Stories (2012)

Artificial Ear: Cochlear Implants and the Culture of Deafness (2009)

Critical Autoethnography Intersecting Cultural Identities in Everyday Life (2013)

Cultural and language diversity and the Deaf experience (1996)

Day by day: the chronicles of a hard of hearing reporter (2008)

Deaf and disability studies: interdisciplinary perspectives (2010)

Deaf-Blind Reality: Living the Life (2012)

Deaf culture: exploring Deaf communities in the United States (2nd ed. 2022)

Deaf epistemologies, identity, and learning: a comparative perspective (2016)

Deaf Hearing Boy: A Memoir (2004)

Deaf in DC: A memoir (2010)

Deaf in Delhi: A memoir (2006)

Deaf Women's Lives: Three Self-Portraits (2004)

Education of Laura Bridgman: first deaf and blind person to learn language (2001)

Far from Home: Memories of World War II and Afterward (2004) [African-American Women]

If a Tree Falls: A Family's Quest to Hear and Be Heard (2010)

Lessons in Laughter: The Autobiography of a Deaf Actor (1989)

Man Without Words (1995) [Mexican Indian]

Many ways to be Deaf: international variation in Deaf communities (2003)

Mean Little Deaf Queer: A Memoir (2009) [Artists, Women, Lesbians]

Mrs. Sigourney of Hartford: poems and prose on the early American deaf community (2013)

My Life of Language: A Memoir (2017)

My life with kangaroos: a deaf woman's remarkable story (2013)

My sense of silence: Memoirs of a childhood with deafness (2000)

On the beat of truth: a hearing daughter's stories of her black deaf parents (2013)

Paris in America: A Deaf Nanticoke Shoemaker and His Daughter (2018)

Reading between the signs: intercultural communication for sign language interpreters (1999)

Shall I Say a Kiss? The Courtship Letters of a Deaf Couple, 1936-1938 [1999]

Signs of Hope: Deafhearing Family Life (2012)

Sounds like home: growing up Black and deaf in the South (2019 - Revised edition) [Women]

The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (2011, pbk 2020)

The Stories They Told Me: The Life of My Deaf Parents (2017)

Unspeakable: The Story of Junius Wilson (2007)

What's That Pig Outdoors?: A Memoir of Deafness (2010)


Section revised March 1, 2022 (many additions)

Note: some urls are broken. In process of fixing.

February: by/about people who are Black/African American & D/deaf

Cultural and language diversity and the deaf experience (1996) 

Far from Home: Memories of World War II and Afterward (2004) [African-American Women]

Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (2011)

On the beat of truth: a hearing daughter's stories of her black deaf parents (2013)

Paris in America A Deaf Nanticoke Shoemaker and His Daughter (2018)

Sounds like home: growing up Black and deaf in the South (2019 - Revised edition) [Women]

Unspeakable: the story of Junius Wilson (2007)


March: by/about Women who are D/deaf (also suggest searching on Helen Keller)

Alandra's Lilacs: The Story of a Mother and Her Deaf Daughter (1999)

Alone in the Mainstream: A Deaf Woman Remembers Public School (2004)

Amy Signs: A Mother, Her Deaf Daughter, and Their Stories (2012)

And no birds sing (2016)

Art of being Deaf: a memoir (2014)

Be Opened! The Church in the United States and Deaf Culture (2021) [Chapter 3])

Building bridges, crossing borders : one young deaf woman's education (2014)

Citizenship, Politics, Difference Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Signed Language Communities (2015) [Chapter 5 Deaf Women in Africa]

Deaf daughter, hearing father (2005)

Deaf lives in contrast: two women's stories (2008)

Deaf Women's Lives: Three Self-Portraits (2004)

Education of Laura Bridgman: first deaf and blind person to learn language (2001)

Far from Home: Memories of World War II and Afterward (2004) [African-American Women]

Hearing, mother father Deaf: hearing people in Deaf families (2008)

If a tree falls: a family's quest to hear and be heard (2010)

Mean Little Deaf Queer: A Memoir (2009) [Artists, Women, Lesbians]

Mrs. Sigourney of Hartford: poems and prose on the early American deaf community (2013)

My life with kangaroos: a deaf woman's remarkable story (2013)

My Mother Made Me Deaf: Discourse and Identity in a Deaf Community (2017)

On the beat of truth: a hearing daughter's stories of her black deaf parents (2013)

Paris in America A Deaf Nanticoke Shoemaker and His Daughter (2018)

Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2010)

Shall I Say a Kiss? The Courtship Letters of a Deaf Couple, 1936-1938 [1999]

Silent Life and Silent Language: The Inner Life of a Mute in an Institution for the Deaf (2018) [Fiction]

Sister and Brother: A Family Story (2018) [Fiction]

Sounds like home: growing up Black and deaf in the South (2019 - Revised edition) [Women]


June: by/about LGBTQ+ PRIDE who are D/deaf

Deaf-Mute Boy (2006)

Feminist, Queer, Crip (2013)

Filipino Americans transformation and identity (1997) [Chapters 16 & 17]

Inclusive Practices and Social Justice Leadership for Special Populations in Urban Settings: A Moral Imperative (2015) [ Chapter 3]

Mean Little Deaf Queer: A Memoir (2009)

Novel Bodies Disability and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature (2019)

Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2010)

Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories (2014)

Queerly Phrased Language, Gender, and Sexuality (1997) [Chapters 3 & 15]

Reinventing identities: the gendered self in discourse (1999) [Chapter 2]

see also the database: LGBTQ+Source (LGBT Life)


October: by/about Indigenous who are D/deaf

Bilingual education in South America (2005)

Contextualising narrative inquiry: developing methodological approaches for local contexts (2013)

Discourse in signed languages (2011) [Part IV]

Interpreting in Multilingual, Multicultural Contexts (2010)

Sign Languages in Village Communities: Anthropological and Linguistic Insights (2012)

Use of signing space in a shared sign language of Australia (2014) [Aboriginal sign language used by Indigenous people]

Club ASL (NMU page)

Club ASL (FB group)

** Coming later this semester ** links & content to virtual Corner & Display

International Deaf and Disability Organizations (used with permission from Gallaudet U. Exec. Dir. Dr. Charles Reilly)


Instructors Rebecca Estelle & Lesli Williams require that when students in NMU Deaf Studies courses are paraphrasing information in their papers, etc., they must include the page number. Note that APA Style rule requires page number included when directly quoting.

For example: 

When is the word deaf capitalized (Moore & Levitan, 2016, p. 259) ?

Rebecca & Lesli are applying the APA rule which states to include the page number "when it would help interested readers locate the relevant passage within a long or complex work (e.g., a book)."


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