
  • Open Book Publishers (OBP)   Online database

    Open Book Publishers (OBP) is a leading independent open access academic press that publishes peer-reviewed, award-winning monographs, edited collections, textbooks, critical translations and more. All Open Book Publishers books are freely available in open access formats (PDF, HTML and XML).

  • UpToDate   Online database

    UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical point-of-care full text resource. Aimed towards students, professionals, and patients, includes the latest information about drugs & diseases. Updated daily, peer-reviewed by expert physicians, and highly reliable. Coverage is extensive, and entries include references. Also includes a number of calculators / assessment tools, scores, scales, and medical equations. Searchable Lexicomp® Drug Interactions, and "What's New" section.

    When first accessing UpToDate through NMU Library, please create your own account, which will allow access from multiple devices, save/bookmark entries & search history, and track CME/CE/CPD credits. 

    Resource URL: UpToDate

  • JoVE Education   Online database

    JoVE Education is collection of thousands of streaming videos illustrating key concepts, lab techniques/experiments, and demonstrations in a variety of disciplines primarily in the sciences & social sciences, but also humanities. Categories include Biology, Chemistry, Clinical Skills, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Psychology, and Statistics. The NMU Library subscription also includes JoVE Core video textbooks, JoVE Science Education, JoVE Lab Manual for Biology & Chemistry, JoVE Book (Chemistry), open educational resources, and additional videos provided through JoVE Research.

    Uncategorized topics include Medicine/Nursing, Forensic Anthropology, Business, Sociology, & Art. Instructor tools include suggestions for how to use in the classroom, and create video-specific tests. Audio and transcripts available in English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish languages. Closed Captioning in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish languages.

    Resource URL: Link to JoVE Education

  • The largest database of graduate dissertations and theses. Almost 5 million citations and over 2.6 million full-text works. Useful for literature reviews, in-depth scholarship and extensive bibliographies with citation links. Indexing 1637 to present; full-text 1743 to present. 

  • Kanopy   Online database

    Academic streaming video collection containing over 5,000 educational titles as well as U.S. and international feature films. Some titles include transcripts and closed captioning. The platform video player is WCAG-compliant.

    Resource URL: Kanopy

  • Mammalian Species is published by the American Society of Mammalogists with 25-35 individual species accounts issued each year. Each uniform account summarizes the current understanding of the biology of an individual species including systematics, distribution, fossil history, genetics, anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, and conservation.

  • Gale eBooks   Online database

    A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Previously know as Gale Virtual Reference Library.

    Resource URL: Gale eBooks

  • Draw It to Know It   Online database

    Draw it to Know it teaches gross anatomy and neuroanatomy through a series of online, interactive illustrated, and narrated tutorials. In addition to anatomy, new courses in Biology, Science for Undergraduate, Graduate & Medical disciplines, Integrated Systems (e.g., neurological, respiratory) are now also included. 

    You must create an account using your NMU email to obtain access to this resource.

    Resource URL: Draw It to Know It

  • BioOne Complete   Online database

    Full-text journals published by small societies and non-commercial publishers. Emphasis on the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. Limited coverage of biomedical, cellular, or molecular biology literature, especially as it relates to humans.

    Resource URL: BioOne Complete

  • EBSCO Open Dissertations   Online database

    Database offering access to more than 800,000 free electronic theses and dissertations.

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