Lydia M. Olson and NMU Archives


The Lydia M. Olson Library and Central Upper Peninsula Archives will be an intellectual hub enriching scholarship, creativity, diversity, and community.


The Lydia M. Olson Library and Central Upper Peninsula Archives inspire scholarship and creativity by partnering with our University community as teachers and curators of information in a supportive, collaborative environment.1

Core Values

The Lydia M. Olson Library and Central Upper Peninsula Archives affirm the core values of Northern Michigan University and uphold foundational values that guide libraries and archives.

Accessibility: We appreciate that we serve a community with diverse needs and abilities and we are committed to making our resources, spaces, and services easily accessible to all of our patrons.

Confidentiality and Privacy: We believe in the right to open inquiry without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. We respect the confidentiality of our patrons’ personally identifying information.

Neutrality: We strive to collect multiple perspectives on topics so that patrons can formulate educated ideas, and we provide access to that information without bias.

Intellectual Freedom: We are committed to protecting and supporting free speech, thought, and research. We honor our responsibility to collect materials with content representing various points of view without endorsement, restriction, or prejudice.

Social Responsibility: We respect our responsibility to preserve the cultural heritage of all members of society, including minority voices and alternative views, which contribute to a richer understanding of the complex issues in our society.

Professional Integrity: We treat our patrons and each other with honesty, candor, civility and fairness, as appropriate within the library and archives professional community.

1Approved by Provost Schuiling Nov. 2, 2016. Endorsed by Educational Policies Committee Nov. 7, 2016.

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