While age is not always a concern with fictional works, it is very important for works of non-fiction. We want our students to use current and accurate information. While the discipline dictates what is current, we ask that our patrons donate only works of non-fiction that are less than ten years old.
We have limited space and usually retain only one copy of a work. Please check OneSearch to determine if we already own the title. If we do, then the material should not be donated.
Most magazines, journals, etc. are now available online and our collections are emphasizing that format. We are usually unable to accept print journals. If it is an uncommon journal title or one local to the region, please check our holdings. We will consider those issues we do not own or have access to.
Thank you for considering a donation to the Lydia M. Olson Library! For monetary donations, find more information on how you can support us through giving. For physical material donations, please contact Professor Bridger Wilson
Materials that are moldy, musty or smoky smelling, have covers or pages missing or have highlighting or notes written in them are not candidates for donating.
Review our gift policy, If appropriate also review the archives gift policy to determine if your materials are a good fit for our collections.
Please contact Professor Bridger Wilson, Collection Management Librarian, at (906)-227-1205 or ebridger@nmu.edu, to make arrangements or to answer questions regarding donating physical materials to the library (Books, DVDs, CDs, etc.).
Copyright © by the Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees. NMU is an equal opportunity Institution.