MeLCat items typically arrive within 1 to 2 weeks.
You will be notified via email when the item arrives. Materials may be picked up at the Circulation Desk. The item will be available for pick-up for 10 days.
You may renew each item once. This will extend your due date by 28 days.* Media items may not be renewed.
Renew the items prior to the due date using the following instructions:
*If your initial loan was 90 days, as part of the MeLCat pilot program between Michigan public academic libraries, you will have the option of extending your due date by 30 days.
MeLCat (Michigan Electronic Library Catalog) is a service that allows Michigan libraries to share materials for free. If NMU does not own the material you seek, you may take advantage of the collections throughout Michigan. MeLCat items typically arrive faster than Interlibrary Loan (ILL) so we recommend utilizing it first.
MeLCat requests are free of charge*.
*However, if you lose, damage or fail to return the material, you will be charged fees.
A MeLCat item is due 28 days* from the date you pick it up. Media items are due 14 days from the date of pick-up. Items will be available for pick-up for 10 days.
*MeLCat is piloting a program to increase the loan period when Michigan public academic libraries are borrowing from each other. For example, if you borrow a book from Michigan State University, the loan period will be 90 days with the option for a 30 day renewal.
MeLCat is best for physical formats such as books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
As an NMU student, faculty or staff, you are eligible to use MeLCat with Northern Michigan University as your home library. If you live in Michigan but are not eligible through NMU, please contact your local public library to determine your eligibility.
Copyright © by the Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees. NMU is an equal opportunity Institution.