Screenshot of Northern Michigan University’s Lydia M. Olson Library LibGuides homepage. The top banner displays the university and library name along with the library's logo. Below, navigation options include 'All Guides,' 'By Group,' 'By Subject,' 'By Type,' and 'By Librarians,' with a search box labeled 'Enter Search Words' to search guides.
A list of guides is shown with a heading that reads 'Showing 47 Guides.' Each guide entry includes a title, small information icon, the date last updated, and a view count. Some examples of guide titles include 'APA Style 7th Edition,' 'Art & Design,' and 'Biology.'
On the right side, there is an 'A-Z Database List' section with a button labeled 'Go to A-Z List' for accessing all databases. Below, a section titled 'Your Friendly Librarians' shows photos and names of two librarians: Emera Bridger Wilson and Lynne Lambdin.