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The image shows an EduCat course page titled "AIS 555 Jacob's Practice Course - AIS555JJ" with a list of resources in the "General" section. The resources include items like "Announcements," "Syllabus Template," "Instructor Biography," and "Student Ratings," among others. Each item is displayed with an icon indicating its type (e.g., "FORUM," "PAGE," "URL," "QUIZ").

The left sidebar includes navigation links such as "General," "Topic 1," "Topic 2," and so on, and the top header has course management tabs like "Course," "Settings," "Participants," "Grades," and "Reports."

At the bottom of the list, a new item labeled "EXTERNAL TOOL AIS 555 Reading List" is highlighted, with a red box around it and an annotation that says, "(1) Click the reading list link that you just created."

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