Latest News & Announcements

Borrow Materials from Other Libraries

We have two systems to get materials for you from other libraries: MeLCat and Interlibrary Loan (ILL). MeLCat is a Michigan- based Interlibrary loan system with an estimated delivery of 7-14 days, this is only for physical loan requests. ILL is a worldwide Interlibrary loan system with an estimated delivery for physical materials of 14-21 days and article scans of 1-3 days. Both systems can request physical materials, but we recommend checking MeLCat first. It is also important to note that MeLCat cannot be used to request scans of journal articles and book chapters.   

Study Rooms Available in Gries Hall

Library Study Rooms

With the ongoing renovation of Harden Hall, the NMU Olson Library has temporarily moved to Gries Hall, offering students reservable study rooms to support their academic needs. These study rooms, located on the first floor of Gries Hall, next to the ASNMU Food Pantry, are designed for both individual quiet study and group work. The library encourages students to take full advantage of these spaces, which can be easily reserved online through NMU Library’s Spaces Reservation System.

How to Checkout Materials During the Harden Renovation

During the Harden Hall renovation, requests for materials must be made in advance. NMU affiliated patrons can start by logging into your Library Account, searching for a particular item, then click on the "Request" link within the "Get It" section of the item description. Fill in any information that may be pertinent to your request and click "Send Request". The video below walks through making a material request.

2024 OER Faculty Learning Community

The Faculty Learning Community represents a broad range of academic departments as part of a two-year pilot program to increase OER use across Northern’s campus and provide related professional development opportunities.

The 12 selected faculty members will be guided in adopting, adapting, and/or creating OER materials for their courses. This pilot program is funded through a SISU Innovation Funding grant.

Working Group Invites Campus Community to celebrate OER Initiative at NMU

This event recognizes the importance of OER in making higher education more affordable and equitable and acknowledges the work of our OER Faculty Learning Community.  NMU President, Dr. Brock Tessman, will give opening remarks, and the OER FLC members will discuss their projects. A reception will follow.

The Lydia M. Olson Library Announces New Open Access Options

The Library has negotiated its first Transformative Agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement will not only give faculty and students access to Cambridge journals, but it allows NMU faculty and graduate students to publish in Cambridge University Press' Open Access Journals without author processing charges (APC).  Our second Transformative Agreement with the American Chemical Society will begin in Summer 2024.

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