Northern Michigan University recognizes the need for compliance with US copyright laws, including the provisions of fair use, while conducting business as a nonprofit educational institution. Compliance extends to printed, recorded, and digital information, including Internet resources. Information regarding copyright law is provided to members of the university community to help ensure this compliance.
Inquiring About Copyright Issues
Olson Library provides services to help members of the NMU community secure copyright permission. While Library staff are not experts in copyright law, Olson Library subscribes to and participates in services such as the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to assist with these types of queries. For example, through the CCC you can get permission to reproduce copyrighted content such as articles and book chapters in your journals, photocopies, coursepacks, library reserves, Web sites, e-mail and more. Contact the library if you have further questions.
Important Copyright Links
United States Copyright Office - The official source for copyright information. Includes copyright basics, frequently asked questions, application information, fees, current developments, a searchable database of copyright records, and more.
Copyright Crash Course - A site created by the Office of General Counsel of the University of Texas to provide basic information for UT faculty on copyright issues.
A Brief Intro to Copyright - Some very basic information on copyright and fair use. Provides a link to the author's popular page, "10 Big Myths About Copyright Explained."
Policy on the Use of Copyrighted Works in Education and Research - From the University System of Georgia, this site provides a good explanation of the fair use exception and provides a fair use checklist that can be used to establish a "reasonable and good faith" attempt at applying fair use.
Copyright & Fair Use - Stanford University Libraries' directory to information on copyright and fair use. Has links to primary materials (statutes, judicial opinions, treatises, etc.); current legislation, cases, and issues; Web resources; and an overview of copyright law. Especially useful is the link to library copyright guidelines.
Writers, Artists, and Their Copyright Holders (WATCH) - Site offers a searchable database "containing primarily the names and addresses of copyright holders or contact persons for authors and artists whose archives are housed, in whole or in part, in libraries and archives in North America and the United Kingdom."
Reporting Copyright Violations
To report alleged copyright infringements by someone affiliated with Northern Michigan University, contact the Office of Communications & Marketing.