
Mike @ Reference

Updated: June 19, 2024 for summer sessions 

Professor Mike Strahan is generally available for assistance weekday afternoons 1pm-4pm EDT, & weekday evenings 8pm until 11 pm EDT. 

Teaching classes, committee meetings, & vacations will affect this schedule.

Assistance is available via Live Chat (see box on right side of this library guide & his other library guides), EduCat Messaging, email or phone (details below my picture).

Professor Strahan is also available via Zoom by Appointment (including groups).

Students may schedule an appointment with Professor Strahan via live chat, clicking on the "Schedule Appointment" button, through EduCat Messaging, via email:  Click here to email Professor Mike Strahan or phone.

For those students who attend classes on-campus or visit campus, Professor Strahan is available in person in the library.

Note that until at least January 2026, the NMU Library is temporarily located in the basement of Gries Hall. Main entrance is through first floor of Gries Hall; another entrance at ground level adjacent to Parking Lot # 64:

location of Library in Gries Hall on NMU campus


During the summer, Mike is available on campus in the library:

Mondays: 1 - 4 pm

Tuesdays: 1 - 4 pm

Wednesdays: 1 - 4 pm

Thursdays: 1 - 4 pm

Fridays: 1 - 4 pm

Professor Strahan looks forward to helping you with APA style, searching, and questions about Library services.


Anatomy TV contains rotatable 3D models of the human body and anatomical layers which may be stripped away. Also included are common pathologies, radiological content, and interactive quizzes.

Instructional Videos

Journals, books, and other resources on subjects including nursing, emergency services, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, optometry, public health, speech-language pathology & audiology, and surgical technology. 1937 to present.

Journal articles covering biomedical research and the clinical sciences including nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences. Also good coverage of literature in cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry. Formerly known as MEDLINE. Mid 1960's to present.

Access note: Must use this special URL for NMU Logo links to appear in article abstracts

For best results, search topic in MeSH, then select/apply subheadings/qualifiers. Not
sure which subheading to use? Click here to view subheadings w/definitions.

Radiography subheadings/qualifiers (usually apply to disease heading):

Radiography - Used with organs, regions, and diseases for x-ray examinations. It does not include radionuclide 
imaging for which "radionuclide imaging" is used.

Radionuclide Imaging - Used for radionuclide imaging of any anatomical structure, or for the diagnosis of disease.

Ultrasonography - Used with organs and regions for ultrasonic imaging and with diseases for ultrasonic diagnosis.

Also restrict to MeSH Major topic.


Journal articles, books, and other resources across many subjects. Provides a "cited by" feature to indicate other papers containing a source paper as a reference.

Google Scholar - "Invalid Domain for Site Key" ErrorGoogle reCaptcha Error

In an effort to optimize user experience during peak activity, Google Scholar may prompt Northern Michigan University patrons to complete a reCAPTCHA widget to verify their non-robot status. Unfortunately, a security glitch in Google's widget may result in an "Invalid domain for site key" error for patrons accessing the Library's off-campus proxy server.


If you possess a Google Account, you can integrate it with the Library using the following steps:

  1. Visit the un-proxied version of Google Scholar at
  2. Click the "Sign In" button and log in with your NMU account (
  3. From the menu icon (three bars at the top left), select "Settings," then choose "Library Links."
  4. In the Library Links section of the Settings menu, confirm that "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," is selected.
  5. If it is not already selected, search for Northern Michigan University in the search bar. Then, select the checkbox next to "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," click the "Save" button in the lower right.

Once saved, you can return to the Google Scholar homepage. You should now be able to explore Google Scholar without utilizing NMU's off-campus proxy, while still having access to the "Get it@NMU" links directing you to our full-text databases.

If the provided workaround does not resolve your Google Scholar access issues, we recommend patience, as Google typically resets the faulty reCAPTCHA requirement after approximately 24 hours.


JoMI Surgery Videos (entire procedures) w/Images & Transcripts
Please create an account so you may access from any device. Complete teaching videos of procedures (mostly actual patients; some cadavers). Narrated by surgeon performing procedure. Includes case overview with imaging, procedure outline, & transcript. May search by keyword or specialties. Also avail. to NMU alums.

Manual of interventional radiology (2018)

Top 3 differentials in radiology: a case review (2018)

Neuroradiology companion: methods, guidelines, and imaging fundamentals (2017)

Handbook of interventional radiologic procedures (2016)

Over 135,000 ebooks for students at all levels - from undergrad to post-doctoral research - and including topics across all disciplines. Over 1,000 new titles added each year.

Offering more than 170,000 e-books, this collection of multidisciplinary eBooks includes titles from leading university presses and academic publishers. Brought to you by the Library of Michigan via the Michigan eLibrary (


An online guide to test preparation. Includes practice tests for: academic, advanced placement, basic skills success, U.S. citizenship, civil service, college preparation (ACT, SUNY, SAT), cosmetology, EMS, ESL (Spanish, firefighter, GED, graduate school entrance (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT), law enforcement, military, real estate, and teacher certification (PPST,CBEST). Brought to you by the State of Michigan via the Michigan eLibrary (

Top score for the radiology boards: Q & A review for the core and certifying exams (2018) 

Noninterpretive skills in radiology: Q&A top score prep guide for the boards (2017)

Nursing: After Graduation

Nursing & Health Sciences

Freely-Accessible Profession & Patient Resources after you graduate from NMU

Accessing NMU Olson Library Resources after graduation

  1. Open to anyone walking in; may use library computers to access online databases. May e-mail material to self.

  2. Photocopiers use cash.

  3. Courtesy Card ($25/year) allow patrons to check out materials (same as students). Must
    live in the Upper Peninsula. Note: Fee is waived if member of NMU Alumni Association.

Nurses should also seek out similar resources through professional organizations.

Coping with Information Overload of the Literature

Twitter & Facebook - What else can I say in fewest words possible? Many organizations, CEU's, firms, and news providers communicate via Twitter. One example is:

CATALIST - Directory of professional discussion lists (not chat rooms).

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) - A convenient, spam-free feeder method to automatically receive journal table of contents, tracking news, web sites, and other information. Look for orange icon. Built-in "Live Bookmarks" function through FireFox & Internet Explorer, and Chrome plugin make RSS much easier. Sometimes also labeled as Alerts. 
Note: RSS available through many resources listed on this guide.

Schloman, B. F. (2005). Staying current: What RSS can do for you. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.

RSS/Blogs & News feeds Readers - bring together in one place 
The Old Reader

Nursing Center - provided by LWW - gateway of resources.

Google Alerts - automatic e-mail updates of latest Google search results on your specific topic.

MEDLINEplus  Sponsored by the NIH & NLM.  Includes interactive tutorials, health topics, drug information, illustrated medical encyclopedia, dictionary, health directory, and other resources.  Many resources are bilingual.

NLM's Databases & Electronic Information Resources - U.S. Government-hosted online health-related databases. Examples include Visible Human Project® and Turning the Pages (digitized rare biomedical books), plus specific resources for Native Americans, Asian Americans, clinical trials, etc.


MEDLINEplus  Information portal Sponsored by the NIH & NLM.  Includes interactive tutorials, health topics, drug information, illustrated medical encyclopedia, dictionary, health directory, and other resources.  Many resources are bilingual.

WebMD - Connects consumers and physicians to the health care industry.

Teachertube - Peer-reviewed broad spectrum of patient- and profession-oriented information.

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning & Online Teaching) - Peer-reviewed online teaching & learning materials.

Google Videos - Familiar search interface to broad spectrum of videos appearing on Teachertube, YouTube, etc.

UpToDate - Patient & Professional-oriented information. 


Michigan eLibrary (MeL)  -  Requires Michigan Driver’s License # or State ID
Includes over 40 databases (some full-text) including EBSCO's e-books.

BadgerLink - Registered ISP or Wisconsin public library card number

Cyberdrive Illinois- Requires contacting local Illinois public library for authorization & password

INSPIRE Indiana Virtual Library- Requires submitting Indiana local address info for password

Minnesota Statewide Access through ELM (Electronic Library for Minnesota)- Requires Minnesota public library card barcode number

Links to 49 Statewide Virtual Library Collections - Requires DL or library card number to access collections.

OneSearch - Searching is free, but access to articles in subscription journals not available to the public.

WorldCat - simple search interface to the worldwide library catalog also available through FirstSearch. May also locate nearby libraries who hold materials by entering zip code.

ScienceDirect publishes peer-reviewed scientific, technical and health journals that span 24 major scientific disciplines. They also publish numerous peer-reviewed journals in the social sciences and humanities.

Medscape Nurses - free online content includes full-text of articles with free login.

Scirus has retired.

Journal articles, books, and other resources across many subjects. Provides a "cited by" feature to indicate other papers containing a source paper as a reference.

Google Scholar - "Invalid Domain for Site Key" ErrorGoogle reCaptcha Error

In an effort to optimize user experience during peak activity, Google Scholar may prompt Northern Michigan University patrons to complete a reCAPTCHA widget to verify their non-robot status. Unfortunately, a security glitch in Google's widget may result in an "Invalid domain for site key" error for patrons accessing the Library's off-campus proxy server.


If you possess a Google Account, you can integrate it with the Library using the following steps:

  1. Visit the un-proxied version of Google Scholar at
  2. Click the "Sign In" button and log in with your NMU account (
  3. From the menu icon (three bars at the top left), select "Settings," then choose "Library Links."
  4. In the Library Links section of the Settings menu, confirm that "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," is selected.
  5. If it is not already selected, search for Northern Michigan University in the search bar. Then, select the checkbox next to "Northern Michigan University - Get it@NMU," click the "Save" button in the lower right.

Once saved, you can return to the Google Scholar homepage. You should now be able to explore Google Scholar without utilizing NMU's off-campus proxy, while still having access to the "Get it@NMU" links directing you to our full-text databases.

If the provided workaround does not resolve your Google Scholar access issues, we recommend patience, as Google typically resets the faulty reCAPTCHA requirement after approximately 24 hours.

NLM For Healthcare Professionals - National Library of Medicine's portal for healthcare workers. Search clinical trials, located drug information and much more.

MEDLINE / PubMed - Includes links to many freely available online journal artilces.

IngentaConnect – free Table of Contents searchable database (charges for articles) + free e-mailing of contents for up to 5 journals.

SUMSearch 2 - searches a variety of web resources including PubMed and metasearch engines. Excellent medical/nursing-oriented limiting (filters).

Journal articles, books, and other resources relating to education--from early childhood to higher education. Views 'education' very broadly and covers areas such as outdoor education, corporate training, speech language therapy, etc. 1966 to present.


Medscape Nursing journals (select titles/articles available with free login)

Free Medical Journals (open access)

Free Medical Journals: Pulmonary / Respiratory (open access)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) - Free online access to full content of over 4,000 scientific & scholarly journals, including Nursing, Medicine, and Public Health titles. Holdings vary by title. Click on title to access journal. Searchable on the web site; many are also indexed in CINAHL &/or MEDLINE.

BioMed Central - over 300 peer-reviewed online free Open Access journals.

LinkOut (National Library of Medicine) - Free online access to full content of over 650 journals; holdings vary by title. Click on title to access journal. All are indexed in MEDLINE.

Online Journal of Nursing Informatics -- 1996-present, free online access.  View the current issue or create an account (free) to view the complete archive.  Also available through searching the HIMSS site. Also indexed in CINAHL.

Cochrane Collaboration Consumer Network - Search and retrieve Cochrane Reviews abstracts. Consists of analyzed trials on health care treatments, advice, or other interventions in health care.  Abstracts of Reviews are searchable/viewable from this site. However, does not include full-text of reviews (only available through subscription).

NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (UK) - Simultaneous searching of three databases, plus abstracts of Reviews are searchable/viewable from this site.
DARE - database of quality assessed systematic seviews
NHSEED - economic evaluations of health care interventions
HTA - health technology assessment agencies 

RePORT Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) (form. Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) - is a biomedical database system containing information on research projects and programs supported by the Department of Health and Human Services. Most of the research falls within the broad category of extramural projects, grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements conducted primarily by universities, hospitals, and other research institutions; and funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies.

Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS)
From the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), the IIMS is one of 60 health research institutions working to improve the way research is conducted, and reduce the time it takes for laboratory discoveries to become treatments for patients.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ - Check especially Evidence-based Practice link.

Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses
(HTML version)   (PDF version - 9.8MB)

America's Best Hospitals

American Hospital Directory

NIH Clinical Alerts & Advisories Findings from NIH-funded clinical trials

Clinical Trials  Federally & privately supported clinical research projects in human volunteers

Evaluating Internet Information - Provided by Olson Library

HON Code of Conduct (HONcode) - for medical and health websites

National Academies Press- Search full-text of books & reports "issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States." Free login required to view free PDF books or book chapters. .

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (open access) 

ESSENTIAL EVIDENCE PLUS™ & AHFS DI® ESSENTIALS™ (American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information)
In book outline, choose Essential Evidence Topics then select organ/disease/condition.
Entries include diagnosis, etiology, prevalence, etc.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 

AHRQ Evidence-based Practice Centers Reports

Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS)
From the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), the IIMS is one of 60 health research institutions working to improve the way research is conducted, and reduce the time it takes for laboratory discoveries to become treatments for patients.

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